Breakfast Biscuits

  •     1 (16- to 16.3- ounce; 8 biscuits) tube of biscuits
  •     8 tablespoon(s) shredded pepper Jack cheese, divided
  •     1/2 cup(s) shredded pepper Jack cheese, for eggs
  •     12 eggs
  •     4 ounce(s) sliced ham
  •     3 green onions, sliced

  1.     Set oven to 350 degrees F.
  2.     Place biscuits on cookie sheet; top each with 1 tablespoon shredded pepper Jack cheese.
  3.     Bake 17 to 20 minutes or until golden. In a large bowl, whisk eggs, sliced ham, 1/2 cup more cheese, and sliced green onions.
  4.     Cook in 12-inch nonstick skillet on medium for 6 minutes minutes or until set, stirring. Serve in split biscuits.

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